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aba Grinding Technologies GmbH


aba Grinding Technologies GmbH
Edmund-Lang-Straße 27
64832 Babenhausen/Hessen
aba Grinding Technologies GmbH, based in Aschaffenburg, Germany, is a leading manufacturer of precision surface and profile grinding machines. The company’s roots can be traced back to 1898 when the company was founded by the Schleicher brothers in Babenhausen, Germany. Initially, the company focused on producing high-quality machine tools for the local market.In the 1920s, aba began specializing in the production of grinding machines, laying the foundation for its future success in the grinding technology industry. Throughout the following decades, the company expanded its product range to include surface grinding machines, profile grinding machines, and creep feed grinding machines.In the 1970s, aba introduced its patented and highly acclaimed column-mounted grinding spindle, which revolutionized the precision grinding process. This innovation propelled aba to become a global leader in the field of surface and profile grinding technology.Today, aba Grinding Technologies GmbH continues to innovate and develop advanced grinding solutions for a wide range of industries, including automotive, aerospace, tool and die, and medical. With a focus on precision, reliability, and customer satisfaction, the company remains committed to providing high-quality grinding machines and comprehensive support services to its customers worldwide.

We are happy to provide you with the appropriate motor spindle for your machine or repair your defective machine. Just give us a call.

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