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About us

EGIN-HEINISCH GmbH & Co. KG, headquartered in Naumburg in northern Hesse, is a leading global provider of machine tools. Specializing in the maintenance and repair of machine tools and their components, we have established ourselves as the market leader under the brand name Der Spindeldoctor for manufacturer-independent motor spindle repairs. se.

Spindle Repair

Der Spindeldoctor

Over the years, we have expanded our services to include a range of solutions that complement this expertise.

In response to growing demand, our headquarters underwent a significant expansion by 2019, nearly doubling its capacity. Today, it serves as the hub for EH Factory, EH Service Company, and EH – all integral parts of our commitment to delivering comprehensive solutions to our clients.

At EGIN-HEINISCH, we take pride in our global network of partners who work tirelessly to address your machine and spindle challenges promptly and efficiently. We welcome the opportunity to share more about our company, our structure, and the collaborative efforts that drive our success worldwide.

A look back

We look back on successful years. For over 20 years, the centerpiece of your machine has been our focus. In the field of spindle repairs, we have established ourselves as the market leader with over 10,000 repairs

The EH Group

Four components – one cohesive entity: 
The EGIN-HEINISCH group of companies.

At EGIN-HEINISCH, we operate as a unified entity comprising four interconnected yet autonomous divisions.

The Spindle Doctor specializes in the repair, maintenance, and optimization of spindles, while EH ServiceCompany focuses on machine tools. EH Factory excels in CNC production, and our EH Spindelshop24 offers a wide range of spare parts to meet our customers’ needs.

WhatsApp Newsletter

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Before you leave

Our Spindeldoctor Newsletter regularly provides you with news from the world of spindle repair and gives you practical tips on how you can extend the life of your spindle and thus maintain production.

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