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Spindle Hotel

In the event that things have to be done quickly, we keep more than 1.750 exchange spindles in stock and our spindle hotel is open 24 hours a day.

Online Check-In

On our website you can get a full overview of our current stock, which includes almost every manufacturer. Well-known companies such as Franz Kessler, Hurco, Cytec or Deckel Maho are usually even represented with a large number of reconditioned spindles. Ready for use within 24 hours thanks to our own transport service, usually a few hours after your request. 

By the way: You only pay the repair costs that are incurred anyway plus a small lump sum.

WhatsApp Newsletter

SpindleNews: Spindle Repair and Exchange Newsletter

Subscribe to our WhatsApp newsletter now and secure a €1,000 repair voucher.

Simply scan this code with your smartphone and send a message.

Before you leave

Our Spindeldoctor Newsletter regularly provides you with news from the world of spindle repair and gives you practical tips on how you can extend the life of your spindle and thus maintain production.

Of course it’s free and you can cancel your subscription at any time.

2024 - Newsletter Sign-Up
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