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PORTA Solutions Spa (AG)


PORTA Solutions Spa (AG)
Via San Lorenzo, 39
25069 Villa Carcina (Brescia)
In 1958 Oscar Porta, an established mechanical designer in the Brescia area, founded Porta Transfer, a company that could anticipate the needs of the market. His main focus has always been to offer a method and portfolio of results to customers before selling them Machine Tools. In 2004, after many years in the manufacturing field, his sons Giorgio and Maurizio decided to branch out into the construction of CNC Machining Centers with 3 independent spindles. Following the 3-independent-spindle system, PORTASOLUTIONS studies competitive production processes for companies that deal with machining operations. The aim is to cut the cost per part and win more orders! The company’s flagship product, based on the Porta Production Method, is the PORTACENTER, that is the first Machining Center with 3 independent spindles: >>> 1 Process, 3 times Faster than a single Machining Center. This industrial machine for series production is designed to offer the customer many benefits in terms of performance, thanks to fast changeover (in just 15 minutes) and 3-independent-spindle system. What does “independent” mean? It means that the 3 spindles are completely autonomous and it’s like having 3 Machining Centers in one system. And if 1 spindle has a problem, it is enough to exclude it from the working module and the machine will keep on producing with just 2 spindles.  

We are happy to provide you with the appropriate motor spindle for your machine or repair your defective machine. Just give us a call.

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